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A day at the lake El Chorro

Actualizado: 25 ago 2020

A day at the lake El Chorro

Escape the beach crowds for a day in the mountains and lakes. A beautiful one-hour drive from Marbella, you will find a beautiful area near the town of Ardales where you can kayak on a pristine blue lake, swim among the fresh-water fish, sun in the dappled shade of the woods on a natural beach.

The area known as El Chorro is known for the Caminito del Rey which is worth a separate post all on it's own; this incredible path along a river through a canyon is one of Andalucia's main attractions - reservations necessary. Even if you are not planning to hike the Caminito, a day at the lake is a fantastic change of scenery. There are several lakeside restaurants with gorgeous views: the restaurant El Mirador has quirky decor and a suspended and gorgeous terrace in the pine forest above the turquoise water. The beauty of the spot seems however to surpass the service which a lot of people complain about. Further along is restaurant El Kiosk, which is also a stunning open space with lovely views of the lake. We like El Kiosk because just across the street is a stone stairway leading down to a rocky and sandy beach where you can have a swim. Bring some inflatable mattresses and spend a few hours, it's gorgeous!

There are many campgrounds where you can rent kayaks and other water paddle boards.. don't get there too early though many only open in the afternoon such as Indian Sport along the lake. A good place to stop for lunch is the charming village of Carratraca, there are several noteworthy restaurants here such as Fonda Pepa

Bring your appetite and don't order too much in these hearty country places!

If you want more of an adventure, you can combine a swim in the lake with a hike on the Caminito del Rey - a destination all of it's own. Click here to see a guide who organizes the day for you!

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